Almost every single Black student has walked into a classroom, looked around, and found that the majority of the classroom didn’t look like them. Most importantly, the teacher didn’t understand their experiences. According to the US Department of Education, “In schools where the majority of students were not White, the majority of teachers tended to be White.”
When students step into their place of learning and can’t find an example of a successful Black educator, they tend to be disheartened. When students go to apply to top-tier universities, and find that only 6% of undergraduate populations are black, they are dispirited.
Top Tutors for Us refuses to let Black students be discouraged by the American education system.

Founder Angelica Harris walked into ACT test prep programs and found herself to be the only Black student in the room. After practicing on her own, Angelica raised her score from a 16 to a 32 and raised 1.5 million dollars in scholarships. Top Tutors’ curriculum and teaching methodology draws from Angelica’s own studying techniques to provide an education that understands a Black student’s experiences.
Every student is different in their own way and learns in a way unique to them. Top Tutors are trained to adapt to each student; we teach our students according to their needs. Our proprietary matching algorithm allows each student to be paired with a Top Tutor that matches their interests, both inside and outside the classroom. Our teaching methodology allows for flexibility to focus on weak areas instead of pushing unnecessary, unhelpful curriculum. Each Top Tutor is trained to follow the TOP TUTORS methodology.
Tailor Lessons to the Student
Observe and Adjust
Practice Active Listening
Target Weak Points
Use Various Teaching Methods
Test Understanding Regularly
Offer Constructive Feedback
Relate Material to Real-life Situations
Set Clear Goals and Objectives

Students studying in the St. Louis Public School Systems Pilot Program
Students in our St. Louis Public Schools Pilot Program have emphasized how, “It was good to have another Black female help me through [studying] because most people overlook [Black students like] us.” Top Tutors for Us is here to provide a place of belonging for Black Students in the education system. No student deserves to feel unrepresented when it comes to the potential of their future.
Top Tutors for Us: Empowering Students to Dream.
